
National Level

National is our highest level for athletes looking for a high level exposure to competition. These are full weekend tournaments.

Regional Level

Regional is for our participants who want good exposure to high levels of competition. This is a combination of 1 Day & 2 Day tournaments.

Local Level

Local is for participants who would like skill and development training for a shorter season. This level participates in 1 day only tournaments.

National Level

National is our highest level and is for athletes looking for a high level of exposure to competition. Teams play in 8 tournaments, and practices are 2 times a week for 1 ½ to 2 hours.   These teams could be traveling to tournaments that are both in Michigan or could be in areas like Louisville, Chicago, or Cleveland (just to give an example).  Athletes are committed from December through late May. These teams could extend their season into June to attend AAU Nationals.  (This will be an additional fee)

Local Level - Spring Teams

Local is our level that participants can choose to play either in the Spring season (March-early June) or Winter season (December-March).  You can play both local seasons back-to-back (providing there is a need for the teams).  Teams compete in West Michigan and may travel 2-3 hours from Battle Creek.  These teams have 4 tournaments and practice twice a week.

Regional Level

Regional is for our participants who want good exposure to high levels of competition. Teams play 8 tournaments with regional travel to potentially Indiana or Ohio most tournaments will be within 2-3 hours of Battle Creek. Teams will practice 2 times a week for 1 ½ to 2 hours.   Athletes are committed from the start of practice in December through May.

Local Level - Winter Teams

Local is our level that participants can choose to play either in the winter season (December-early March) or spring season (mid-March-early June).  You can play both local seasons back-to-back (providing there is a need for the teams).  Teams compete in West Michigan and may travel 2-3 hours from Battle Creek.  These teams have 4 tournaments and practice twice a week.